Ray Rice is a
famous football player who heated his fiancée, Janay Rice, in September, 2014. This is a video called Ray Rice knocked out fiancée.
Since TMZ Sports
posted it on the Youtube, it evoked an argument about whether Ray did it right
or not. Some people stand by him and say, “this is what equality looks like”, “Women
needs to understand that if you put your hand on a real man you'll get Knocked out”.
Others disagree with that and think people are judging this event with extreme
views of double standard, “NEVER hit a woman”, “I feel like you fans are blinded
by your strange love for this football player… Women are fighting for equality,
but the thing is, we don't have it. Men will never understand that constant
fear. ”
This is a serious
event about domestic violence, and it deserves our attention! People are
supposed to realize that it is really wrong to beat your intimate partner, and
even if you did it, you have to be regretful and feel sorry about that,
especially when you are a celebrity. What celebrities do can influence a lot of
people, and then, influence a whole community.
Last Sunday
morning, Keith Olbermann, who are an American sports and political commentator
and writer, shared this picture on twitter to critique the costumes.
See how strong the
power of celebrity effect. To be honest, those pictures are very awful and disgusting, and
make me feel really bad and shame on these people. People are
building their happiness on other’s suffering. Those pictures make me feel like people are really enjoying Halloween, and ignored how serious this domestic violence event should be. These offensive moves are aggressive to the victim. searching Instagram hashtag #rayrice, we can see some pictures like the following.

Since domestic violence is a big, contemporary problem in our society, I really want to know how those people think about this event. Is there any meaning of sarcasm and ridicule? How do you guys see domestic violence?
Comments from Ray Rice knocked out fiancee----full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbwTMJroTbI
Ray Rice Halloween Costumes Combine Blackface, Domestic Violence Jokes http://gawker.com/ray-rice-halloween-costumes-combine-blackface-domestic-1650963461
I think this is absolutely ridiculous that it would cross someones mind to have this as a halloween costume and why would a woman put herself in that position? I believe that a woman doing this is pretty much revealing that she does not want equal rights as a man and is not showing any self respect. I also agree that this is really displaying people enjoying halloween rather than thinking about the violence and situation that this actually is.
ReplyDeleteI second Allie. I can't believe people would even think this event would make a good costume. Not only do I find something disturbingly wrong with Keith Olbermann's son's comment, but I also find his use of hashtags quite disgusting. Now I'm wondering if that little boy in the second picture chose his own costume or did his parents pick it for him. If its the kid's choice, why did his parents think that was a good idea? If it was his parents, what in the world were they think?
ReplyDeleteNumber one: What parent in there right mind would allow their child to do black face in any scenario? And number two: Not only is the Halloween costume highly inappropriate but this whole situation is also is teaching little children, such as the boy in the photo that this man has made himself a symbol based on a form of violence. Leading by example, this child and other people using this very unfortunate incident as a joke to degrade this man is incredibly unacceptable and in no way should the racial aspect of this event be a factor.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with everyone's comments. The child's Halloween costume is extremely inappropriate. Not only was he dressed up as an abusive individual, but it looks like he also has black-face on. I have no idea why these parents decided it was okay for their son's costume to be offensive to not only African Americans, but victims of abuse. These costumes are showing younger generations that this type of behavior is appropriate and normal in society, and that it is okay to 'pretend' to be these types of people for one night.
ReplyDeleteI feel like sometimes people do not fully understand what it means to be beaten by ones own partner because, if they do not experience those things, they will not connect to them. I think people should be made fully aware about domestic violence and how it negatively impacts people's lives. If society is not fully aware of it, changes will never occur.
ReplyDeleteI think these pictures from instagram for Halloween are extremely inappropriate. While everyone is taking it lightly and dressing up like Ray Rice and his ex-girlfriend people are saying that it is okay that a man beat up his significant other. First of all, it is never okay to beat someone up, no matter the circumstances. By dressing up and making a joke out of it is absolutely not okay. Women and men suffer domestic violence on a daily basis and no one even realizes it. No one understands the pain that people who are abused go through, much less how scary it is. By making light of this situation, they are not only hurting people who are abused, but saying that it is a joke. Also, I agree with Sarah and Sierra about the little boy who dressed up like Ray Rice, these parents seem very immature and the costume is highly inappropriate.
ReplyDeleteOof. This blog is a pertinent, but tough issue. Your use of pictures and social media ggo well with the point you're trying to shed light on. I was mortified at seeing these photos and reading the quotes. Also your point about how celebrities influence people is really great and completely true, especially about society today. These people, be it athlete, singer whatever, are idolized and their participation in these vile acts of domestic abuse are horrific and disheartening to say the least. The examples they set are important. Great blog and a great subject to explore.